Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Thanking God For...

{Gifts 27-43}

- A very helpful husband... Bobby volunteering to do the dishes and clean the bathroom...without me asking! I'm still beside myself and SO thankful for how this spurs me on to keep going.
- A steady income and being able to buy food and pay our bills
- Church History
- Starting the Heidelberg Catechism: "I am not my own, but belong body and soul to my faithful savior Jesus Christ..."
- Bible reading plans and new resolve to follow through with them
-Hope and assurance of grace when I fail
- A clean kitchen
- Peace and patience despite a desperate desire to have my body back
-The realization of how foolish it is to be anxious when all things are going to happen in His timing anyway
- A better attitude about being pregnant
- Baby Norah's pending arrival
- God using my children as a mirror, often to show me my need of Him
- Rowan's sweetness
- Rowan's interest in books
- God showing me my parenting failures through Bobby's insights and example
- Having friends over for dinner
- Rowan's 2nd birthday !!!! 

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